Summary (English)

This is the Homepage of the European Project "EINHALT - Retten von Erinnerung an den Todesmarsch 1945 ungarischer Juden und anderer Entrechteter, und Stärkung der Zivilcourage in der regionalen Bevölkerung, ein ganzheitlicher Zugang", which may be translated as "Rescuing remembrance of the death march of Hungarian Jews and other disenfranchised persons, and strengthening of civil courage in the regional populace, a holistic approach."


EINHALT reminds of the death marches of Hungarian-Jewish and other forced labourers and Concentration Camp Detainees through the Upper Austrian districts of Steyr and Kirchdorf, in April 1945, and of the few courageous people, helping the marches' victims in spite of massive threats.


The German word "EINHALT" comprises three meanings:

  • stepping in to hinder beating, torture, abuse and harrassing
  • reflecting and bethinking
  • adhering to moral laws, human rights, ethics and values

The project focuses on research, awareness building and communication. It is being co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. The project sets actions in the Austrian districts of Steyr and Kirchdorf, and in Hungary.